Checklist for marketing a trial
This checklist has been contributed by Barbara Farrell who prepared it
for the second version of the Trial Managers Guide.
At the protocol and funding stage:
- Choose a good acronym
- Budget for marketing costs, such as newsletters, collaborators' meetings,
headed notepaper
- Develop partnerships with consumer groups, invite their comments on
the protocol and budget for their ongoing input
- Start developing the collaborative group
At the start up and recruitment stage:
- Choose a striking logo, and put it on a letterhead and all trial materials
- Write articles for medical journals and consumer conferences
- Present papers and posters at relevant conferences
- Provide user friendly, attractive, and stylish trial materials along
with clear guidance on how to use them
- Be proactive and inclusive in encouraging people to join the collaborative
- Visit centres, meet and talk to as many of those involved in the trial
as possible
- Consider a 24 hour on call service for dealing with trial queries
- Consider a launch meeting for collaborators
- Consider a dedicated trial website
To maintain recruitment:
- Circulate regular newsletters with updates on progress
- Use posters or letters of congratulation to acknowledge good progress
- Consider offering incentives for achieving targets, such as T-shirts,
mugs or pens
- Consider focused collaborators' meetings, bringing together people
who work in the same region or country
- Use opportunities to 'piggy-back' small meetings on to national or
international conferences
- Visit centres where there are particular difficulties
Back to Sources or methods of recruitment
This document was last updated on 1st July 2003.